Tariffic rate for calls to Lesotho

Call Lesotho from iPhone or Android

Cheap calls to Lesotho from € 0,511 per minute.

Make international phone calls to Lesotho from your iPhone or Android. Download Tariffic to call to Lesotho today. Tariffic provides low charges and a fabulous voice quality.

Call through local numbers

Tariffic generates a local number for your call abroad. Pay your operator a local call to reach our phone system (free when included in your package or contract) and become automatically forwarded to Lesotho.

Free credit

Each first time registration receives free credit worth € 1,-.

Free download

Tariffic on the App Store Tariffic on Google Play

Our rates to call Lesotho

All tariffs are charged per minute. Tariffs include VAT of the country you are calling from (EU-countries only).

Lesotho Click to see valid prefixes€ 0,546
Lesotho Mobile Econet Click to see valid prefixes€ 0,511
Lesotho Mobile Vodacom Click to see valid prefixes€ 0,701

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